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​I was very tired the day that this photograph was taken. I was in a lot of pain because my right hand had been injured. What happened was I was in the middle of fixing a cannon when a boken cannon ball exploded and got a part of my hand. I remember the pain being agonizing and not wanting to do anything. I was hoping that I would get well soon and be able to do my job again. The nurses wanted to amputate my hand but I refused. What could be more embarrassing then a one handed Naval Officer. None of the crew would ever listen to me. Refusing would also make me seem strong and brave. 

Here is a picture of President Jefferson Davis. He was truly a blessing to us Southern States because we were not going to listen to the annoying so called President Lincoln. I keep this picture in my pocket always. Whenever I would feel hopeless and tired I would take out this picture to think of what an honor it was to serve for President Davis. President Jefferson truly understood what the people needed and that was their slaves. Unlike Lincoln who was always trying to help the North succeed while we were scraping up pennies to live on and taking away everything that we had.  

President Jefferson Davis 

I kept this picture of this picture because this was the ship that killed my good friend Jasper Cullen. It was so sad when this image came out in the newspaper. The poor soul couldn’t even have a proper burial because everything that was on that ship was destroyed. The C.S.S. Virginia was fighting with the U.s.s. Monitor.  The captain shot one cannon that hit the side deck of the boat and hit the engines and cause them to explode. The report didn’t even come out until 2 months after.

This is an image of  Ram Atlanta. I have many memories on this boat, the crew, the battles. Even though they changed me to another boat,  it upset me when I found out that the Ram had been captured by the Union. I felt very connected to this boat. Most of the time I spent in battle was on that boat. We never lost a battle until it was captured. The boat was 50 feet long and was made so that it would be cannon proof.

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